Basic Info

Hotel NameEZ HOTEL Kansai Airport Seaside
Address〒598-0047 6-3 Rinku Orai Minami, Izumisano City, Osaka Prefecture
Check-in15:00 (Last Check-in 24:00)
ParkingPaid parking is available off-site. (¥300〜¥600 / 24h)
Number of Rooms62 rooms
(57 Double Twin、4 Single Twin、1 Barrier-Free)
Amenities (Available at the front desk)Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Soap, Toothbrush, Brush, Razor, Cotton Swabs, Slippers, Mineral Water
FacilitiesTea Dispenser (Green Tea/Hojicha/Oolong Tea/Coffee/Mineral Water), Microwave, Ice Maker, Smoking Room, Vending Machine (Paid), Coin Laundry (Paid)
Payment Methods・Cash
・Credit Cards (VISA/Master/AMEX/Diners/JCB/UnionPay)
Cancellation PolicyCancellation fees and no-show charges will be applied as follows.
Same day: 100% of the room charge
One day prior: 50% of the room charge
No-show: 100% of the room charge
Contact EmailContact Us Here